all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

jeudi, mars 18, 2004

had a wonderful day today with my 401 clique laughing and talking at 4000 decibels in orchard. haha. we totally owned the place. started off at marche for lunch. i was an hour late (but that can be overlooked:)!). we had a piling competition...hahaha and strategically stationed ourselves in front of the vegie baskets to observe the .. candidates. first prize went to this guy who piled watercrest and second to this caucasian girl (probably a tourist..she was carrying a huge backpack) who piled cauliflowers and broccolis.
then aimless us walked ovetr to cine and had sembawang music where i bought a new cd..em piano songs..ithink thats what its called. AHA. then we spotted her. the second prize vegie-piling winner. and we burst into laughter in the middle of the lobby. up to the cinema level...we were intending to watch some movie but couldnot decide on one that everyone agreed to watch. so.....we ended up spotting differences on the photo hunt thing at ezone..and then playing some photo memory thing where you have a few seconds to look at a photo and they'll ask some question about it. hahaha. we totally ruled that machine. its got our top score and name --40103RGS written all over its scoreboard. HAHAHA. yeah. so basically we got bored of beating our own scores..and spent the next hour deciding whether we wanted nachos or popcorn. after much deliberation, we finally settled for thenachos. on the big couch. with mothervan on the high chair. and up wasdinner. i ask myself what i actually did today apart from laugh..and i get the answer that we spent more than half the time we had EATING. gosh.

ahhh and now its time for american idol on channel five! =) goodbiyes! a bientot!


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all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.